About Me

About me!

This is my third year teaching. I have taught middle school ELA and reading, and 4th grade here at SJV while one of our teachers was out on maternity leave last year. My background is in students with disabilities and childhood education, and literacy. I received my bachelors of science from Canisius College in 2013, and I will receive my masters as a literacy specialist from the University of Buffalo this December. I love that this year I have the opportunity to work one one one and in small groups with my students; a luxury that we do not have a classroom teacher! 

I am excited to work with grades 5-8 in resource this year , and also to be running enrichment for grades 3-5! I also look forward to running one of our new STREAM academies, Invention Convention, after school. Look for more info on that to come soon. 

Thank you for welcoming me back to the SJV family, I am very excited to be here. 

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